Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's Been More Out of Odyssey than Out of Control, As of Late

Well, hello there.

It's been a while.

I certainly didn't plan on taking a six-month hiatus from this blog! But here we are, on week two of my summer vacation, finally free of all the responsibilities you can read about in the "About Us" section. 

Why were we gone? Well, I know we use this excuse a lot, but school and the busyness that it brings was certainly a big factor. 

For me personally, working to finish four episodes of Candid KOnversations within two months was a lot. It was a lot of hours on my laptop. The Christmas/Valentine's Day episode never panned out because it was extremely ambitious and Ally and I didn't have the time to properly execute that ambition. 

As for the state of Candid KOnvos, Ally and I have decided that the podcast will be short-lived and we're ending it after a five episode run. We had fun making it, but our time making it didn't really seem to correlate to an audience that cried out for more episodes. If you really enjoyed it and there's a bunch of people out there who want more, we'll certainly try and reboot it a la I don't know, Battlestar Galactica or Star Trek or something, but in the meantime, Puppy and Woofy will be returning to other projects!

Besides that, I haven't been writing that much lately on Odyssey because I honestly haven't been following it this year. As much as I love Odyssey, my attention hasn't been as well tuned due to the large amount of attention to Odyssey Adventure Club stuff, which is great for everyone that's a member. But that's not me, so I haven't really been drawn to the podcasts feat. interviews and stuff with actors from club episodes and all of that. Besides doing senior year thingys like prom and yearbooks and teary goodbyes, I've kept up with film and TV for my good stories and Sunday School for good lessons. 

So what now? Obviously, I still have Life Expectancy and The Pilot to review, so that will probably happen this summer. Other than that, there might be some articles or episodes you ask me to review to hold us all over till Album 58. 

I'm guessing the blog's gonna shift to primarily be episode reviews with occasional commentary, with Ally popping up from time to time. But I'm headed to UC Berkeley come mid-August, so we'll see how the work toll affects the writing, hopefully not to the whole "not write anything for six months" extent that this year did. 

I miss you guys! I'll try to head back to the Soda Shop, and I hope to get some Odyssey energy back when The Ties That Bind comes out in the fall. Here's to more out of control time binding our ties!

- Josh

1 comment:

  1. Hooray, welcome back! You post a lot, heck, you're a allowed a brief hiatus once in a while. The AIO blogsphere is getting a bit quiet, so it's so good to have you.

    And I can understand your fustration with the whole OAC thing. "A new podcast about an OAC episode, yes! Mrs. Kramer and Red Hollard are back, yes!... Except I don't really care because I can't hear any of those episodes. I would care, but I don't, so I don't."

    And it's fine you get busy, we're glad you guys have your priorities straight. Just so you promise to always come back to us! :P
