Well, today at Out of Control in Odyssey, we are proud to present...the Odyssey Phone Book!
This new feature on our blog, available by clicking on that tab at the top of the page (See that connection of words that reads, "Odyssey Phone Book?" Good job. Now click on it.) The Odyssey Phone Book was created as part of our ongoing mission to bring the town of Odyssey to life and become a part of Odyssey and apply it to our lives!
What is the Odyssey Phone Book? It's a tool to expanse the great picture you have of Odyssey in your mind; a connection to the people and places that live there. We have the Yellow Pages of Odyssey! As we go episode by episode, we'll be constantly revising and updating this page, and you're welcome to contribute by emailing us at jandakocompany@yahoo.com!
But wait, there's more. No, that's not all. Besides all the reviews and SMSSs and Odyssey in the Real World posts, we got a big project coming up! It's super exciting, and we hope you guys will really like it! All I can say for now is that it's another way of immersing you into the Odyssey experience. Get excited!
Luckily, since the week's almost over (tons and tons of homework), I'll be able to do some posting this weekend! We'll have another review and SMSS up soon. Also, be sure to check out Just Another AIO Blog this weekend for the AIO Websters ceremony...it's supposed to be really cool!
Finally, if you've been liking what you see, I wanted to recommend a similar blog in terms of writing style. Victoria Donahue started an AIO blog back in March (before us!) and everyone just found out about it and it's awesome. She's another teenager giving thoughts and reviews about Odyssey...and it's a little scary how much we've been thinking alike as I read through her posts. Anyways, check it out at http://aiothoughts.blogspot.com/ , but be very careful to avoid the Album 56 reviews if you don't want to be spoiled. Use the blog archive.
Oh my, The Grand Design is just around the corner! We'll be reviewing new episodes in Album 56 as they come up besides our normal starting from the beginning reviews. Alright, you guys have been updated. I'm busy working on our Get in the Show church video and secret video...another surprise! Man oh man, I'm turning into a little Mr. Whittaker in terms of keeping secrets. Don't worry; he always reveals them in the end.

Last thing: we've been added to Twists and Turns's Cast and Crew: Take 2 page! Check it out if you want to see...how we look like and if you want to see my not really smile while squinting from the bright sun since I conveniently forgot my sunglasses. It also gives some nice info about us, and while you're there, check out The Old Judge's amazing site, which covers all of the Odyssey fan sites and has some neat features. It's all at Twists and Turns!

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, unless if course, you somehow don't have one, in which case I wish you a very happy Monday working. Please comment, and adios for now!
Oh, super cool. It's our two month anniversary and we have a big number in pageviews! It's been a joy watching this blog grow and have everyone be talking about Odyssey, the best radio show on the planet. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it up. So long for now! Actually.
This new feature on our blog, available by clicking on that tab at the top of the page (See that connection of words that reads, "Odyssey Phone Book?" Good job. Now click on it.) The Odyssey Phone Book was created as part of our ongoing mission to bring the town of Odyssey to life and become a part of Odyssey and apply it to our lives!
What is the Odyssey Phone Book? It's a tool to expanse the great picture you have of Odyssey in your mind; a connection to the people and places that live there. We have the Yellow Pages of Odyssey! As we go episode by episode, we'll be constantly revising and updating this page, and you're welcome to contribute by emailing us at jandakocompany@yahoo.com!
But wait, there's more. No, that's not all. Besides all the reviews and SMSSs and Odyssey in the Real World posts, we got a big project coming up! It's super exciting, and we hope you guys will really like it! All I can say for now is that it's another way of immersing you into the Odyssey experience. Get excited!
Luckily, since the week's almost over (tons and tons of homework), I'll be able to do some posting this weekend! We'll have another review and SMSS up soon. Also, be sure to check out Just Another AIO Blog this weekend for the AIO Websters ceremony...it's supposed to be really cool!
Finally, if you've been liking what you see, I wanted to recommend a similar blog in terms of writing style. Victoria Donahue started an AIO blog back in March (before us!) and everyone just found out about it and it's awesome. She's another teenager giving thoughts and reviews about Odyssey...and it's a little scary how much we've been thinking alike as I read through her posts. Anyways, check it out at http://aiothoughts.blogspot.com/ , but be very careful to avoid the Album 56 reviews if you don't want to be spoiled. Use the blog archive.
Oh my, The Grand Design is just around the corner! We'll be reviewing new episodes in Album 56 as they come up besides our normal starting from the beginning reviews. Alright, you guys have been updated. I'm busy working on our Get in the Show church video and secret video...another surprise! Man oh man, I'm turning into a little Mr. Whittaker in terms of keeping secrets. Don't worry; he always reveals them in the end.

Last thing: we've been added to Twists and Turns's Cast and Crew: Take 2 page! Check it out if you want to see...how we look like and if you want to see my not really smile while squinting from the bright sun since I conveniently forgot my sunglasses. It also gives some nice info about us, and while you're there, check out The Old Judge's amazing site, which covers all of the Odyssey fan sites and has some neat features. It's all at Twists and Turns!

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, unless if course, you somehow don't have one, in which case I wish you a very happy Monday working. Please comment, and adios for now!
Oh, super cool. It's our two month anniversary and we have a big number in pageviews! It's been a joy watching this blog grow and have everyone be talking about Odyssey, the best radio show on the planet. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it up. So long for now! Actually.