Hola! It's time to celebrate Odyssey's 25h Birthday Bash and the Get in the Show Finale! I'll be updating this post every so often, so keep checking back for updates!
8:21 AM PST: This countdown gets me every time. Can we please have a CD of John Campbell instrumentals?
8:30 AM PST: We are liveeeeeeee from Colorado Springs, Colorado!
8:32 AM PST: Hey ___! Welcome to the ____ Adventures in _____ podcast! Bob and Jesse are a little choppy, but so far it's going okay with the actual show with Diane and Jesse!
Hey Jim Daly!
By the way, if you're on Twittah, join the conversation by using the hashtag #AIOLIVE.
Wow, I have to visit Zimbabwe; Odyssey is the #1 show in the country, even secular, plus it's in fifty countries! Beat that American Idol!
8:36 AM PST: Jim Daly's kids' favorites: Mr. Grote and Jason. I sense a small rivalry between the bros.
8:38 AM PST: After recording our church music video, I've memorized Get in the Show word for word! It's cool to see it in sign language.
8:39 AM PST: Connie's costume looks she got a bowlcut...please tell me it isn't true!
8:49 AM PST: These two kids are doing great at creating an AIO scene (oh yeah, Nathan Hoobler too)! They're adorable! I miss hearing Dave Madden and Walker Edmiston. Ben C. from the Soda Shop mentioned that he's using Pro Tools, just so you know.
9:02 AM PST: Hey, it's Zach, Katie, and Andre! GAHHHHHH! :D
"Hey, is he not the cutest man you've ever seen! I just want to pinch his cheeks!" -Diane
9:08 AM PST: These entries are hilarious!
9:12 AM PST: Congratulations Annaliese! I wanted to see all of your pet, but that's okay. Wow, I'm really enjoying her acting!
9:17 AM PST: Very good script.
9:24 AM PST: Interesting video on Terry Virts and his space mission with AIO!
9:30 AM PST: While I loved Anya's accent-switching, I'm not sure if this script suits her as well. She's still doing a great job though! (EDIT: Ditto Shona.)
9:38 AM PST: Hey Phil Lollar, Chris, Rob Jorgensen, Kimmy Robertson, Bob Luttrell, John Campbell, Marshal Younger, Fabio Stephens, Will Ryan, Brandon Gilberstadt, Janet Waldo, Maggie Malooly, Chad Reisser, Jerry Houser, Earl Boen, Jim Custer, Jess Harnell, Steve Harris, Townsend Coleman, Chuck Bolte, Kathy Buchanan, Bob Hoose, Paul McCusker! It's the perfect bookend to the "Call in to Connie" in Album 51.
9:53 AM PST: The people at the social booth aren't the only Odyssey nerds... #AIOLive
9:54 AM PST: Luke Lauber sounds like Adam Levine!
9:57 AM PST: The piano player from the side looks like Shona.
10 AM PST: I'm really enjoying the Luke Lauber Band!
10:22 AM PST: After wringing my hair out, I'm finally able to cast my vote for Annaliese! Good providence to all of the contestants!
10:33 AM PST: Apparently this takes place before the new Imagination Station. I love Jess Harnell's impressions!
10:38 AM PST: We're praying for you Dave Arnold!
11:08 AM PST: "What are you doing Friday night?" - Connie Kendall to Lord Gargantuan Foulspleen
11:12 AM PST: The ending of Push the Red Button is simply hilarious.
"What about you guys? Have you ever triggered a nuclear explosion and destroyed a whole town? Write and tell me about it! Oh wait, the Odyssey post office has been incinerated." - Chris
11:40 AM PST: "All the world's a stage, and all of us are merely players. Without God as the director, Shakespeare's monologue is pretty depressing." - Bob
11: 51 AM PST: "I'd like to be Zach, so I'd be guaranteed a long career." -Andre Stojka, when asked what other character he'd like to be
"We both care about people, and we're both extremely beautiful." -Katie Leigh, when asked about what she and Connie have in common
"I really love staple guns." - Katie Leigh, when asked if she's afraid of staplers
11:55 AM PST: FACT CHECK: "The Malted Milk Ball Falcon" is in Album 52: Cause and Effect. The babysitter episode is "An Agreeable Nanny," also in Album 52. I love the Perfect Church too!
11:56 AM PST: Katie also liked Sgt. York, while Andre enjoyed A Thankstaking Story and The Green Ring Conspiracy.
11:57 AM PST: Katie sings in church and her husband plays bass! She loves everything except heavy metal. Me too...except I'm also not a fan of opera.
11:58 AM PST: Katie and I are both very impressed with Zach's articulateness.
12:15 PM PST: Congratulations Shona, and wonderful job to all the contestants (maybe Annaliese can still make it?)! Thanks for reading!